Saturday, November 19, 2011

CRYOS INTERNATIONAL SPERM BANK operations closed down in India.

Recently CRYOS International Sperm Bank closed down its operations in India.

Cryos International is a worldwide network of sperm banks and distributors of clinical sperm related products.

Cryos International is a Danish firm. It was Located in DENMARK, NEWYORK, MUMBAI.
It has closed down Mumbai operations because of no business demand.



October 1, 2011

Cryos International – India Ltd. was closed on September 30, 2011 due to lack of business ground. There is no demand for high quality donor semen in India and export of donated semen has been prohibited by law.

Cryos opened with enthusiasm and optimism in September 2008 and there was an overwhelming interest from the press and the public. The first international sperm bank in India had opened. The aim was partly to service the Indian market but also to provide supplies for Indians living outside India. Approximately 10-15% of couples suffer from infertility of which nearly half is due to male infertility. There are not many treatment options which is why treatment with donor semen may be an option for many couples.

In the beginning it was difficult to attract donors but after the first year a selection of more than 70 donors was free of quarantine and ready to use. There was a comprehensive demand from abroad, but because of the export ban this demand could not be met and the childless couples could not be helped. The demand domestically was unfortunately very low as we could not compete with the local sperm banks who offer their services at a significantly lower price. A vain attempt, with help from the Danish Foreign Affairs, to get the Indian Minister of Justice  and the Minister of Health to ease the export rules, has not given a positive result. We therefore regret to announce that Cryos International – India Ltd. is closed.

Dilip Patil                                                 
Managing Director  
Cryos International - India Ltd.      


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